Find Strength in the Power of Pink. China Glaze Nail Lacquer gets gloves ready to join in the Fight Against Breast Cancer.
Join China Glaze Nail Lacquer this October in the battle against breast cancer, one nail at a time! The professional line of nail lacquers brings on the fight with 3 powerful pinks. Inspired by the women who fight everyday and those that support them in their battle, these fabulous shades are sure to help you defeat the toughest opponents with style and cass. China Glaze representative Rachel Schafer voiced that "in an industry dominated by women, for women, it is important that we strive to work together towards finding a cure."
The three colors in "Fight Like A Woman" include:
Encouragement - a baby pink shimmer that brings on the cheer
Endurance - power through the punches with this raspberry shimmer
Empowerment - stand up tall with this cotton-candy crème on your nails
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization dedicated to the science of cancer and promoting international collaboration in cancer research.
The "Fight Like A Woman" collection will be available at professional beauty supply stores and select salons this September. Availability will be very limited internationally.
* China Glaze and other nail polish companies have continued to create nail polishes in order to show and raise awareness of breast cancer. This never really affected me although I am aware of it. But recently this has affected my life for a few months as my mom found out that she has breast cancer. It was really tough and sad for me to watch my mom go through surgeries and trying to get over the pain. It hit me hard and I hope that my mom will get through it and I think she will. I went to one doctor's visit with her; usually my dad goes with her but he couldn't since he just got back to work from a one week vacation taking care of my mom after she had a surgery to take out remaining lymph nodes, and the doctor said that it's unlikely that she will have to go through chemotherapy. I'm glad to hear that because I know that she won't have to suffer a lot more in the future but I hope that she will get better. This taught me to be more aware about my body and about breast cancer because it isn't curable. But maybe in the future it will be. :)♥
ps. the shades look amazing! I'd probably pick up 2 of each♥
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